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Online Classes Update

We would like to thank everyone who has supported our Online Classes, without you our financial situation would be very difficult. We are sure you can appreciate that getting Online Classes up and running so quickly was a great challenge. We have since appreciated all the feedback and will be making some changed to how Online Tutorials will proceed. We will stop providing 1hr classes from the END of July, however all those who currently subscribe fully will be able to gain access to the lessons already provided free of charge until the end of the year. We will email full subscribers directly with more information.

We will be launching a new Online Tutorial website which will include individual dance tutorials and dance alongs, as well as other features. We intend for the new site to be more flexible and accessible giving you the freedom to choose what you want and when you want to dance by levels etc. There will be various of place to suit. We will let you know more information as soon as possible.


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